Professional Commercial Floor Cleaning
When writing about hard floor cleaning and maintenance , I usually make the distinction of domestic and commercial locations, as the location not only influences the type of floor which is chosen, but also the risks it is likely to be exposed to. It is worth pointing out the ‘commercial’ location is a wide term with many possibilities ranging from a factory likely to have an altro safety floor, to a small office which may have any type of floor – be it ceramic or hard wood. The most obvious difference between a domestic and commercial setting is likely to be the amount of use. It is a fair assumption that, on average, commercial locations experience more traffic, more people coming and going and more general wear and tear. Even a common office will have people coming in and out as they start work, leave for lunch and leave for the day. There may also be visitors, deliveries and any number of other factors which simply don’t occur in a domestic setting. Another difference is that ...